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“The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.” An old production managers’ joke. And yet, always accurate. Because film production was and is my dream job. Because I believe in the magic of cinema and television. Because I know that it’s all about coordinating the revelations of a group of people so that they happen in the right place and time. Because it’s about artists who should be comfortable and have the impression that in the process of creating our joint work they fulfill their own dreams, not just the guidelines of the script. Because it’s about viewers who are to move somewhere else for a while and forget about their world. Nothing’s impossible in the film industry. In my job, only laziness and lack of foresight is impossible.


Magnolias are not only large, very impressive flowers, but also “capricious aristocrats” in the world of plants, because they need a lot of effort to be grown and maintained. Just like our productions – thrilling, colorful, exciting, but also demanding. We don’t follow the set patterns, and we break the pattern while dealing with the mainstream. Each project is different, just as our team is diverse. There are no productions more or less important than the other ones. Each current one is equally prestigious for us. We are not afraid of hard work, but we are afraid of resting on one’s laurels. We believe in people, their creativity, communication and work ethics.
We always look for the best way, not just “someway”.


We are modest, but that’s because we’re polite. And speaking immodestly, we’ve been creating film sets for well-received films and series for both Polish and international clients for years. We believe that our filmography speaks for itself.

Production lineup

The Thaw 2 2024
dir. Xawery Żuławski
An max TV series. The series was produced in Poland with the financial support provided through the Act on Financial Support for Audio-visual Production, granted by the Polish Film Institute from the funds of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
Still here 2022
dir. Jacek Borcuch
An HBOmax TV series. The series is financially supported by the Polish Film Institute.
1983 2018
dir. Agnieszka Holland, Kasia Adamik, Olga Chajdas, Agnieszka Smoczyńska
dir. Marek Koterski
ETHER 2018
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Krzysztof Skonieczny
An HBO TV series.
dir. Leszek Dawid
An HBO TV series.
dir. Arkadiusz Jakubik
SPOOR 2015
dir. Agnieszka Holland
dir. Agnieszka Smoczyńska
dir. Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Jan Komasa
dir. Kathryn Bigelow
Scenes filmed in Poland.
dir. Agnieszka Holland
dir. Olivier Babinet
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Bartosz Konopka
dir. Kasia Adamik
dir. Peter Greenaway
dir. Jan Jakub Kolski
dir. Philip Smith
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. James Kent
dir. Dominic Sutherland, Martina Balazova, Detlef Sieber
dir. Wojciech Smarzowski
ZUREK 2003
dir. Ryszard Brylski
dir. Jan Jakub Kolski
dir. Roman Polanski
dir. Agnieszka Holland
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Jacek Bromski
dir. Emmanuel Finkiel
dir. Peter Kassovitz
dir. Janusz Majewski
dir. Yves Angelo
dir. Moon Seung Wook
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Volker Schlondorff
L' ELEVE 1996
dir. Olivier Schatzky
VIRUS 1996
dir. Jan Kidawa Błoński
dir. Marek Koterski
dir. Yves Angelo
dir. Aki Kaurismaki
dir. Steven Spielberg
dir. Costa Gavras
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. Pilar Miro
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
dir. John Irvin
PORNO 1989
dir. Marek Koterski
dir. Krzysztof Zanussi

In progress


Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warszawa, Polska Tel. +48 22 840 50 56 Email.

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